platform for addicted MMORPG players
Uhhh... WHAT?!?!
That guy plays FFXI and somehow started this thing...
FFXI? Where did that come from?
Final Fantasy XI, an MMORPG that was started ten years ago,
totally into that Final Fantasy franchise - got it?
Still don't get it...
Aargh... go read it yourself! Check out his own words...
Platform ALPHA
giggler platform
Features:  plugin management, interaction with UI
Works pretty well and reliable
giggler ui
Features:  configuration, UI plugin embedding, UI skinning
Works, features missing
No more Questions?
Nope, reading...
phew, a lot of.
There is even more...
Final Fantasy XI PRE-ALPHA
giggler ffxi
Features: - Vanadiel model
- full event triggered
- FFACE integration
Basic features work, model still incomplete,
testing ongoing, missing features
giggler ffxi items
Features: - detailed ingame items
- searchable database
- based on ffxiah/ffxiclopedia
Source parsing works,
more automation needed,
ongoing adapting to sources
giggler ffxi moghouse
Features: - stores your moghouse
- makes it offline accessable
Technical approach verified,
more investigation needed